Yisimechu BiMalchuscha…. Shabbos. The prayer said on Friday night and Shacharis and Musaf (but not at Mincha) linking Shabbos with Joy. Why does it have so many versions and why is it not recited always, and why are there so many opinions about its times of recitation. Joy is lower than delight, and Shabbos is mostly about delight and only in a secondary way about Joy.
Elokeinu VeElokei Avoseinu Retzai Nu BiMnuchaseinu… (5772/2012). Elokeinu Veelokei Avoseinu Retzei Nu Bimnuchaseinu…. There are several levels of Shabbos beginning with the idea of Shabbos that is part of creation itself (before Mattan Torah) that are represented in this prayer. We ask Hashem to confirm and enhance our Davening and connection.
Yisimechu BiMalchuscha…. Shabbos.Elokeinu VeElokei Avoseinu Retzai Nu BiMnuchaseinu… (5772/2012).