
Monday 29 Menachem Av 5773/ August 5 2013. (2 Classes)

Bareich Aleinu Class One. The ninth Bracha of Shmona Esrei. It seems that the Brachos after this one are collective (for the Klal Yisroel) and this is the last of the requests that are for us as individuals. The Bracha (on Parnassa) focuses on the blessing in the time, how certain times are blessed and bless us. Two reasons why it is the ninth Bracha, 1) it address inflation, 2) only when one is healthy can he focus on Parnassa. Parnassa is blessed once a year, every day, and every second, how they are all reconciled.

Monday 6 Elul 5773/ August 12 2013. Class Two, The second class on Bareich Aleinu, explores the meaning of the Piska inside. Hashem blesses the source in time and space which then trickles down to us. From the spiritual should come the actual physical Bracha. Yitzchak said this conclusion when he saw blessing in a bad year and in bad land ‘Mivureich HaShunim’.

Class One
Class Two

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