Ma’amar Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek Four – 5
Posted: April 28, 2021
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Twenty One, Perek Four (5). Although Niosyonos are not about (any effort being made to) Birurim: to fix anything in the world (only in self); but if done correctly, the spark in the test (of the severe Klipos) is corrected and elevated. It has to do with extracting the Ta’anug (delight) from the endeavor and it is either done or not done, there are no degrees in this. Two explanations in removing the Ta’anug are suggested.
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Twenty One, Perek Four (5).