Nasso 05:11~31 – Parshas Sota (Achei Temimim 5782)
Posted: June 9, 2022
Nasso 05- 11-31 Parshas Sota This class overviews the idea and the dinim of a Sota, and emphasizes what it means in Avoda. 1) A Sota is spelled in RaMbaM שוטה meaning folly. 2) Three levels of this Shtus: A. against the nature of the Animal Soul (Tanya Chapter 8 (12)). B. Against the ‘Intellectual Soul’ (Kuntres Uma’ayan). C. against nature of the Divine Soul (Tanya Chapter (18-19) 24). 3) The idea of חילול השם in erasing Hashem’s name. How this plays out in the ceremony of Sota; and the (upside is) idea that Hashem’s name is erased to bring a man and woman together שלום בית. 4) We are the wife and the man is God; in the end we drink and we are proven innocent, and we bear good children.