Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 5 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Posted: December 3, 2017
Angels and Souls. As we finish our discussion of this text (Lehavin Ma Shekasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim) we explore what Souls are; in light of the G-dliness of Davening, Torah, and Mitzvos. This discussion juxtaposes the Soul against Malachim (angels) who appear closer to G-d and G-dliness but are in fact limited absolutely. Souls on the other hand, can exceed their external limitations and reveal a deep G-dly spark. There are two steps in this idea: 1) The Soul uses Torah and Mitzvos to reveal the inner G-dliness within the Jew, 2) The Jew’s higher source actually assists Torah and Mitzvos (“Lishma”) to become more deeply attached to Hashem [this last concept was added to the class though it doesn’t appear in the Tanya].