Note 4. Lehavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Eitz Chayim Class 4 Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon
Posted: December 3, 2017
Mitzvos. After discussing Tefilla and Torah in the previous classes this class explores the ideas of Mitzvos. 1) Mitzvos are associated with the vessels, and as such have within themselves “the Essence”, 2) Since Mitzvos have a connection to the physical world, they interact with things that are in and of themselves not holy. The elevation of these things reveals a higher G-dliness than is available in Kedusha by itself (from Tohu or SA”G). This class has an introduction that addresses the three ideas of Ohr (light), Shefa (a gift) and Hashpa’a Atzmis (the Essence is communicated in a physical seed).