Perek 8, Class 3 (83) Explaining: 1) חיבוט הקבר (visits in the grave) 2) כף הקלע (while the Neshama is (already) free of the body but it’s still in the “space” of the physical universe 3) גיהינום. When a person is alive and healthy, the Neshama “speaks” through the body, but after death the body doesn’t allow the Neshama expression. This causes the Neshama much צער until it is “freed” from the containment of the body. This is the idea of חיבוט הקבר. When the Neshama is freed from the body, so long as it is in the “space” of the physical universe, it is with no ability to manage itself or to protect itself from outside mockery. This is כף הקלע. In גן עדן the Neshama still has no control but it is in a protective environment. The Neshama must get out of the physical universe and its חיזו דהאי עלמא to ascend heavenward. The stages of departure: in the grave, in physical space, in Beis Din Shelma’lah.