
Raishis Goyim Amalaik 5743.

Class One. We have five separate Souls, not one Soul with five parts. The significance of this is that each Soul has an aspect beyond the ‘Hishtalshelus’ of the Neshama from Moach to Lev to Asiya. He explains the essence element in Neshama, Ruach and Nefesh as well as the Hiskalelus between the levels.

Class Two. The Nefesh HaBahamis also has three (separate) Souls: Neshama, Ruach, Nefesh. We explored a little bit how each is in essence separate. But these levels can have Birur, The Pesukim Ata Hu Havaya Livadecha… Ata hu Asher Bacharta BiAvram… Avrohom [to elevate the world]… Vatukem Es Divarecha Ki Tzadik Ata… How this relates to Birurim. Chaya Yechida, [here Birurim is not so simple, as we’ll explain in the next class].

Class Three. The Shiur began with a long introduction about the first Tzimtzum and the opinion of Chassidus that you cannot say about Hashem ‘he can’t’. Yet in this Ma’amar it states that even on a level of מפליא לעשות some things are impossible. This was explained as follows: (see the הדרן על הרמב”ם מתשמ”ו לקו”ש חלק כ”ז ע 251 ואילך) The Rebbe says before צמצום there are the rules of נמנע הנמנעות and after the צמצום the rules of logic apply. Thus what says in Chassidus about the first Tzimtzum doesn’t apply after the Tzimtzum, we can therefore say אינו יכול even with the כח המפליא לעשות. Thus there are limits to Godliness and one of them is the reason in Kedusha can fight reason in Klipa, but to fight Amalaik which is חוצפה בלי תגא you must have the power of משה רבינו Amalaik is חוצפה בלי תגאת and can only be defeated by higher than reason in Kedusha which is from Moshe Rabbainu.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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