Shuva class 3: B’chal Levavcha; B’chal Nafshecha; B’chal Meodecha
B’chal Levavcha: 1) Loving Hashem in your heart (ONLY) 2) Levels of Nefesh, Ruach and Neshama 3) Yetzer Tov and Yetzer Hara.
B’chal Nafshecha: 1) Love is spread out through the whole guf. 2) Level of Chaya 3) Love even if He takes your life. (lower level Mesiras Nefesh.)
B’chal Meodecha: 1) the whole guf is Elokus, 2) Level of Yechida, 3)With all your Wealth.
A person can operate on a chitzonius, Pnimius, or Atzmiusdike level. Chitzonius (b’chal levavcha) we are a hishtalshelus. Etzem, Taanug, Ratzon,Chochma, Bina, Middos, Malchus. Every step is opposite to the one above. Need to quiet intellect in order to inspire the heart, then need to quiet the middos to effect Maase.
Pnimius – B’chal Nafshecha – Pnimius Ha Mochin. There is the concept of the thing – the Sichli and the Reality of the thing – the Eloki. After a while we understand Hashem. The Sichli morphs into knowing Hashem. Elokus. Level of Chaya. No boundaries. Sechel, Middos, Maasos all flow directly. Chaya is lower level of Mesiras Nefesh.
Atzmi – B’chal Meodecha: You are one with the Aibishter completely. Whole metzius of guf is Elokus – Yechida she’b’Nefesh. A Tzadik puts a piece of himself in his gashmius. He loves his money more than his guf. Gam Zu L’Tova. Good is Good and Bad is Good. MP3