
Ranat Class #17

HISBONNENUS Meditation is emptying the mind so the soul can shine forth into the brain. We don’t do this. Hisbonnenus is about filling the mind with chassidus. It is a difficult process that one has to DO in order to be able to learn how to do it. Several different posukim and the maamarim associated with them may be used. There is Lower level Hisbonnenus that deals with Memale Kol Almin and talks to the Nefesh Habehamis, and there are higher level hisbonnenos which reach the Nefesh Elokis ie ‘All is Hashem. We are not here’. It is very important to reach the Nefesh HaBehamis. We must daven with emotion (Nefesh Habehamis). Don’t daven only with coldness and mind, ie Nefsh Elokis. That is for Torah Study. In the past one only used to learn in Chassidus inyonim only for avoda. Today the Rebbe said to learn the inyonim of haskala also – yedias Hashem. There are three levels: 1) Memale Kol Almin – Linking Hashem to the world. Our hearts should feel this. Hu Chayecha – “He is your life”. 2) Sovev Kol Almin – Whole creation is yesh meAyin. We can’t understand it, but we can accept it. 3) World doesn’t exist. Step 1: Memale – Ratzo – feel Hashem in your heart – B’chol Levavcha. Step 2: Sovev – Shuv to Torah and Mitzvas – B’chol Nafshecha. Step 3: B’chal Meodecha – Hashem is manifest in your guf. You are Hashem. DON’T SKIP STEPS!!! You must decide what level of Ahava you are holding by, and be misbonnen at that level. If not, if you are misbonnen on a higher level you will have NOTHING!!!


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