Ahava B’chal Meodecha
How can a limited guf get an unlimited Neshama? For tefisa, grasping, a thing needs borders. The Neshama on the level of Yechida is too plain, too vast. CHAYA has virtual borders. We can get a little (koach hamaskil). Hisbonenun on “Hu chayecha” will lead to Ahava Misoteres. But Ahava B’chal Meodecha is the Yechida. It is infinite. It is not merely more, but it is a different concept altogether. The Yechida can only be approached indirectly. When you proactively try to find the Yechida, your “YOU” gets in the way, and you will never reach it. Only the Rashbi revealed Yechida through Ohr Yosher. But when a yid looks at what he does NOT have, and longs for it, and is pained by not having it, can he reach the Yechida min hametzar.
3 Axioms: 1) The strength of NO is stronger than YES. The politics of Hate. 2) Teshuva from Ahava: Eating treif food, one is stuck with it until techiyas Hamesim when all klipas will disappear, unless one does such a strong Teshuva that his sins become mitzvas. The Ahava of the Baal Teshuva running away from darkness is much stronger than the Ahava of tzaddikim just running to Hashem. 3) Min Hametzar – the pain of not having something. Tekias Shofar reaches straight to Yechidus. On the level of NaRaN the spark is running to Hashem – (Ratzo). On the level of CHAYA the spark is running to Torah (Shuv). On the level of Yechida the Torah is drawn to the spark. MP3