
Ranat Class #19

Avoda of Yamin – chesed – soft – B’chal Levecha and B’chal Nafshecha – relating to Hashem according to my version of Him. Avoda of S’moel – Tough Teshuva – Absolute. Chessed- Avoda of Kohanim is likened to water which unifies and dilutes. Gevurah can have two parts and is likened to Fire and it separates.. Zohar: Complete service in the world is through the Levi – Gevurah. L’asid Lavo the fire will burn completely and not leave any ash (negativity) behind. Summary of the Sugya of three Seudas of Shabbos from Samech -Vav: 1) First Seuda of Shabbos is Seuda of Chakal Tapuchin Kadishin (Malchus), joined by Z”A and Atika Kadisha. The World rises to Malchus. 2) The Second Seuda of Shabbos is Seuda d’ Atika Kadisha joined by Chakal Tapuchin and Z”A. A Ha’arah from Atik comes down into Z”A. 3) Shalosh Seudas is Seudas of Z”A joined by Atika Kadisha and Malchus. Z”A rises up to Kesser. Contradiction: In our Maamar it doesn’t stop there, but there is the level that would correspond to Melava Malka in which Z”A brings down pnimius Atik. In most other maamarim the rule is that If its b’giluy its not etzem. Here we have Atzmus brought down b’giluy. The Whole metzius of the Rebbe is to show how Atzmus that can’t be brought down CAN be brought down. Eating on Erev Yom Kippur is the Shuv of the Ratzo of Yom Kippur which is Teshuva. Atik is higher than food – running to Atzmus. So what would be if the world is created ONLY with Midas HaDin? 1) Level of B’chal Me’odecha all the time. No eating, No sleeping, No Drinking i.e. No World. 2) No Teshuva. Make a mistake and you are stuck. Can’t fix it. BAck to the possuk. Shuva Yisroel ad Hashem Elokecha. Hashem is Chavaye, Midas Ha Rachamim bringing the possibility for Teshuva, combined with Midas HaDin Elokecha.


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