
Ranat Class #21

Atzilus 2 Is our Maamar based of the Pardes’ view of Atzilus or on the Etz Chaim’s view? Atzilus is Oros Ain Sof (bli gvul) and Kelim that are g’vul. How can this be reconciled. PARDES – This is the RaMaK: the world was created with 2 tools – 1) Oros are completely p’shitus, and 2) kelim that are g’vul. The Oros hit the kelim and the kelim are elevated a bit to a state of Koach Hagvul. The Kelim give the Ohr its form. The moshol is of water in a colored glass. Memale Kol Olmin is a modified form of Sovev. ETZ CHAIM – This is the Arizal. The world is created with three tools. 1) the Shoresh of kelim is in Atzmus mamash. 2) the Shoresh of Ohr Memale is in Ohr Ain Sof. 3) the Shoresh of Sovev Kol Olmin is in Giluy Ohr Ain Sof. The Moshol for Atzilus is hishlabshus Nefesh in a Guf. Memale and Sovev have two separate roots, so Achilifu D’chtaya is possible. As the Ohr hits the keli it fits exactly and the keli brings down the ohr. Dira B’tachtonim. So in our maamar which shita is followed? The Rebbe Rashab is using the moshol of a nefesh in a guf, but defines the ohr as water in a colored glass. The Rebbe calls the kochos of the nefesh not as etzem but as nafshiim, a haora, pshitus, consistent with the Pardes. Most of the Rebbe Rashab/s maamarim follow the Pardes, for example, the samech vav, and RaNaT. Ayin Beis follows the Etz Chaim. i. e there are 3 Tools, from three separate sources. The light itself has tziur. It still uses the moshol of Nefesh in a guf, but it is different from RaNaT.


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