KOS = a ruchniusdike kos that gives back more than the mashpia gives. First example is Eish v’Eisha. The Tipa contains goshmius DNA and ruchnius Essence of a person. Ohr vs Shefa – Moshol of a teacher and his students. OHR Teacher is talking and the students are listening, but the teacher is not locked in, but is simply talking, but all his wisdom is written on his face. His students get it all in a way of makif and chitzonius. SHEFA – Teacher and students are locked in together, the teacher knows what the students can get, and gives it with a piece of his neshama. What the students get is pnimius, but limited. Can have either Ohr or Shefa, but not both at the same time, with one exception. TIPA has the unlimited quality of ohr with the pnimius quality of shefa. The whole essence of the mashpia is there but tipa is limited in that it needs to come into gashmius. But a tipa is not a baby. For that it needs a m’kabel, a rechem. Every time reproduction happens is a nes. The moment something is created it starts to decompose, with two exceptions. 1) the stars and planets will always remain the same, and 2) a baby is born new, young, not like the biological age of its parents. This is the koach of the Ein Sof in the world. Hashem put it in the m’kabel, not the mashpia. MP3