
Ranat Class #8

AL Karchecha Atah Chai (Pirkei Avos). The Neshama wants to be close to the Aibishter, but because of the guf she wants to go away from the Aibishter.The Guf has a higher shoresh than the neshama’s which will allow her to experience the Aibishter in a higher way and so the Neshama wants to also join with the guf. She wants both things, there is tension. This is life. Ratzo v’shuv, heartbeat. In Maariv we say Golel Ohr mpnei choshech and choshech mpnei ohr. Hashem rolls away the original light light that filled the empty space (Ohr Ein Sof) and replaces it with darkness – tzimtzum harishon. Then He rolls away the darkness and the light of the kav breaks through. 1) Ohr Ein Sof was shining and filled the emptiness, then Hashem shined a higher light, so the ohr felt its source and became bittul to it and stopped shining – darkness. Then Hashem shined an even higher light and the Kav breaks through. The pnimius of the kav is from Tiferes ha ne’elam. It is higher than the source of the tzimtum, and higher than the source of Ohr Ein Sof. Don’t be confused by the usual chassidic representation of a big light, darkness and a lesser light. This is Chitzonius HaKav. ESSENCE OF MAAMAR; Any time one goes lower, it comes from a higher source. Going lower is becoming separated from Hashem – you know yourself more, know Hashem less.


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