The difference between a leader and a king. This class provides special motivation for Rosh Hashana evening prayers. Easily understood by beginners.
MOSHEL VS MELECH A Moshel is someone who wants to lead. He will give the people only as much as is necessary for him to stay in power. A Melech, on the other hand, is drafted by the people. The people must treat him like a king to bring out the Romemus, the mida of Malchus, a special feeling of superiority in him to want to lead. When he finally feels this mida and accepts the kingship, he gives his whole self to the people. Hashem creates the world, first as a Moshel, then Adam HaRishon comes along and makes Him into a Melech. Every Erev Rosh Hashana Hashem resigns His Kingship and reverts to the status of a Moshel. On Rosh Hashana, we do kabbalos oyl to renew Hashem’s kingship. The Shofar brings Hashem down to be our King. On Shabbos the world has an aliyah so Shofar is not necessary.