
40b. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class Two.

40b. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class Two.5) The Rebbe refers to the additional Mashal (in the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5709) where he brings the additional Mashal of the Neshama coming into the Guf (in addition to the Mashal of Galus, and the Mashal of Ibur (pregnancy) to that Mashal). 6) he explains the additional Mashal...

40c. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class Three.

40c. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class Three.9) This higher idea of what will be revealed when Moshiach comes, is also connected to Galus.10) The Galus reveals the Yechida during the Galus itself, and isn’t only setting up advantages after Moshiach comes. 11) Because it reveals the Choshech HaTzimtzum and the Kavana which is easier to see...

40a. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class One.

40a. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga), Class One.Perek 1-3.1) Moshiach as a person; Moshiach’s influence on people and even on animals and minerals.2) Rav (teacher) and Melech HaMoshiach (King. who provides and teaches etc. from a distance). Simply Rav- Hasaga; Melech- Reiya. 3) More precisely, the entire era of Moshiach is above ordinary understanding, and as such,...

09. Tomchei Temimim, Part Nine (5784/ 2023).

09. Tomchei Temimim, Part Nine (5784/ 2023).Temimim (part Three):Reb Itche Der Masmid (Gorovitch) from Masmid and Gaon to Ovaid and Chossid.Reb Avraham Eliyahu Plotkin, his story. 09. Tomchei Temimim, Part Nine (5784/ 2023).

08. Tomchei Temimim, Part Eight (5784/ 2023).

08. Tomchei Temimim, Part Eight (5784/ 2023).Temimim (part Two):Reb Chonya Morosow cont.Reb Shilem Kuratin, from meager beginnings to the height of Avoda (and Chazaras Dach) שילם איז געווען א כשרער.Reb Dovid Horodoker, an incredibly gr4eat mind dedicated entirely to serving Hashem. 08. Tomchei Temimim, Part Eight (5784/ 2023).

07. Tomchei Temimim, Part Seven (5784/ 2023).

07. Tomchei Temimim, Part Seven (5784/ 2023).Temimim (part one):Reb Avraham Dovid Pevsner, an Oved with incredible demand and stamina.Reb Chayim Yona (Lutzky), he was a later Tomim, but no less great. The Rebbe RaShaB said of him that he has Mochin DiGadlus and asks questions on the level of the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim. He was...

06. Tomchei Temimim, Part Six (5784/ 2023).

06. Tomchei Temimim, Part Six (5784/ 2023).The Mashpiim (part three):RaShbaTz (continued)Reb Michoel Bliner (der Alter, Neveler) an old Melamed’s Avoda becomes a huge influence in Lubavitch when he is brought to Lubavitch to be involved with the Talmidim. Reb Moshke Zhembiner, a Chossid of the Rebbe MahaRaSh bring his Hiskashrus (and more) to his work....

05. Tomchei Temimim, Part Five (5784/ 2023).

05. Tomchei Temimim, Part Five (5784/ 2023).The Mashpiim (part two): Reb Hendel a giant lion-heart (with an average mind); his Chassidus and Ahavas Yisroel touched all who knew and saw him.His role in the previous Rebbe’s own upbringing.RaShbaTz (Reb Shmuel Betzalel Sheptil) a Giant of Torah Avoda and Chassidus.The personal tutor of two of our...