
01. קטרת Introduction (long version) Class One.Class 21 Wednesday 20 Adar 2 5776/ March 30 2016. KetoresEach day we say three things: A) קרבן תמיד B) הרמת והוצאת הדשן C) קטרת. Only קטרת includes Torah SheBiksav and SheBa’al Peh. The controversy about saying it before Davening. We say it three times a day, once before, and...

02. אתה הוא… prayer introducing the קטרת Two.Note: on the first page of the pdf four or five different Nuschaos appear for this (little) prayer. Four reasons why קטרת needs an introduction: A) Since the Biblical passage that follows is from two places and the word ונאמר must be placed in the middle, a larger...

03. אתה הוא… prayer introducing קטרת part three. This class has some repetition because of the Pesach break. In this paragraph the key word is לפניך underscoring the essence quality of קטרת. However it must be drawn down from אתה הוא into הוי’ אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו.

04. אתה הוא… prayer קטרת part Four. In this class we read the text inside. two understandings of the אבותינו. את קטרת הסמים על יד משה…