01. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class One.This class touches (again) on ‘the ladder of tefilla’ and the idea of Merkava that rests above each of us.2) The end of the first rung (after Hashem Melech) is Lamnatzeach Binginos.3) What I thought this is about: prayer of Goyim keeping the 7 Mitzvos of Noach; who call...
02. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Two.In this class (we still did not explain the Perek in detail, but) we offered five different insights, that each shed a slightly different light on what this Perek is all about.A. The Abudraham and Chida: It is about lighting the candles on the Menorah, and there are various...
03. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Three.This third class actually begins our version of the Piska based on Chassidus (and other sources).Introduction: 1) Hashem’s names (according to His actions (כפי מעשי אני נקרא)); 2) Him by Himself, we call עצמות ומהות (perhaps שם הוי’ה); 3) The idea of His hiddenness above all else (called העלם...
04. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Four.This class begins with a review (due -in part- to the Pesach vacation) on the idea of ‘The Face of God’ which reveals nothing and everything at the very same time. The example we use was Shabbos HaGadol and how the world will look after Moshiach according to the...
05. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Five.This class is a detailed analysis of the very first Possuk. All of Tehillim are Psalms, that means Music.We explored the idea of חושים that the arts are very close to the Soul and speak (reveal) the language of the Soul. Music, Art, Poetry and even Dance. We further...
06. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Six.This class explores the second Possuk in this Perek, and speaks of three levels: 1) Elokim Yichanainu, which is about a Makif affect on the person; 2) ViYivarchainu, which is about a personal and Pnimi affect on the person; 3) YaAir Panav, ‘The Face of God’ is the simple...
07. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Seven.This class explores the third Possuk (half of it) in this Perek. The idea of Derech Hashem is introduced. Two levels in this ‘Derech’ are discussed: A. Hishtalshelus is 10 S’firos, and order here means perfection, the many many details become one perfectly; B. the 13 Middos HaRachamim that...
08. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Eight.This class includes1) A bit of a review of the previous class2) Two Introductions:A. Rav (Aisav) vs. Kol (Ya’akov); תערובת מול התכללות, when Moshiach comes there will be unity by Goyim, בכל גויים ישועתיך the word בכל connotes that. The idea of this unity is that there are distinct...
09. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Nine.Inside, לדעת בארץ דרכיך seeing the world follow His pathway causes בכל גויים ישועתיך to achieve a unity, which is such an incredible miracle (considering the fact that there is no miracle involved).Then we talked about נצח שבנצח and הוד שבהוד (and Lag BaOmer and RaShbI) that it is...
10. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Ten.This class began with a short review: 1) This Perek is a Psalm of Goyim after Moshiach comes, seeing God in the every day; 2) which is why this Perek only has שם אלוקים;3) First he sees the reward of Yidden for staying loyal to HIM for all these...
11. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Eleven.1) Review of Perek until now.2) Introduction to last two Pesukim Elokim becomes Elokainu, the ‘Essence’ revealed- how?
12. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Twelve.This is the final class on למנצח בנגינות. It deals (inside) with the last two Pesukim. 1) ארץ נתנה יבולה- the Brachos Liasid are abundant; in addition the earth gives us her spiritual Bracha of Ratzon wanting Godliness. 2) יברכינו אלוקים אלוקינו- The Divine name Elokim connotes the Godliness...
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