
02a. Short Yeshiva (5781/ 2021) Version, Class One, Introduction to Ketores.1) Ketores means Kesher- connection, more than Karbanos; three fires: Mizbeach (war) Menorah (peace) Ketores (Oneness).2) The number 11 is associated with Klipa, or alternatively, Atika Kadisha, both ideas are present in the Ketores: the only “non-Kosher” in the entire Beis HaMikdash, elevating even this...

02b. אתה הוא… קטרת (Yeshiva version 5781/ 2021) Class Two- text based class.The prayer before saying Ketores each day (even when Tachanun is not said.Ketores connects us to Hashem where there is no sin at all.Ketores is about Oneness.Moshe is called a Navi here, why.