01. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class One (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023)The history of davening, includes the creation of the prayers beginning with the Amida and then the other parts (at a later time (??)) of the Blessings for the Shma and the Blessings that open and close the ‘praise’ we give Hashem each morning; followed...
02. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Two (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023)The Zohar’s four rungs of the ladder (of Tefilla) continues here.The Gemaras about Pesukei DiZimra (considering the fact that neither Boruch Sheamar nor Yishtabach appear in the Sha”S).1) Rav Yosi says: I should be among those who say Hallel every day (which is not allowed);...
03. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Three (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).1) The Zohar has much clearer references to Pesukei DiZimra than the Gemara does. We revisit the three Gemara quotes connected to Pesukei DiZimra.2) R. Yosi Hallel three times a day.3) Saying תהלה לדוד (Ashrei) includes all of the letters of the Aleph Bais (of...
04. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Four (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).1) The Vilner Gaon explains the missing נו”ן in Ashrei as the condition of the Schechina in Galus, and it being lifted even from there, because when we Daven we’re above the Galus. 2) The Tzlosa ViAvraham, why there are Brachos for Pesukei DiZimra, it...
05. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Five (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).Pesukei DiZimra is said in order to…1) אין עומדים להתפלל אלא מתוך כובד ראש the earnestness that ushers in the Davening. 2) אין עומדים להתפלל אלא מתוך שמחה Davening must be done with Joy.The question of these two opposites (earnestness and Joy) is addressed here...
06. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Six (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).The first affect of Pesukei DiZimra is to be מזמר עריצים, remove blockages and obstacles to our Avoda, This is the reason one must be emotional during Pesukei DiZimra, as these emotions are the ‘language’ of the Animal Soul and they force the Animal Soul...
07. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Seven (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).The first idea of Pesukei DiZimra, which is to include the Animal Soul in the Davening, but cutting off it’s association with evil is continued here in this class.
08. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Eight (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).This class includes:1) completing the first idea of Pesukei DiZimra- to cut off the Animalism of the Animal Soul, by including him into Kedusha.2) The discussion of the second idea of the Animal Soul, that it helps navigate through the higher worlds in approaching ‘On...
09. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Nine (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).The journey to the higher worlds also needs protection and the need to be more exact. Explanation: There’s a difference between the S’firos (also called נטיעות that are Godly) and the Malachim (angels, also called נבדלים).The difference is that the former is Godly and therefore...
10. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Ten (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).The Pesukei DiZimra include two (basic) ideas: A. the ten utterances of creation (עשרה מאמרות) and the Exodus (אז ישיר).This week we devoted almost all the class to the first theme. We aligned (according to the Abudraham) each of the ten utterances to one paragraph...
11. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Eleven (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).The question of Az Yashir (the exodus) being included in Pesukei DiZimra (as is our custom) or after Yishtabach (as the RaSaG and the RaMbaM hold) depends on the following idea.But first: Pesukei DiZimra we talk ABOUT God in a way that we relate to...
12. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Twelve (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).This class continues and ends the previous one I’ll re-copy some of the points here).The placement of Az Yashir is in question for this reason: is it the beginning of our relationship with God; or are we still ‘just talking about Him’??We explained it like...
13. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Thirteen (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).End of Pesukei DiZimra: Az Yashir is Torah SheBiKsav and Birchas Kriyas Shma is like it’s Torah SheBaal Peh. 13. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Thirteen (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).
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