01. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5782 (2022)), Class One.This is the first class of the new year, so most of it (if not all of it) is introductory.What is the Siddur how was it developed, how were it’s disparate parts joined and how was so much added to it.After saying the Brachos on...
02. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5782 (2022)), Class Two.This class is about this particular paragraph.We say it as part of the scheme of מקרא משנה תלמוד we learn (twice) each morning after ברכת התורה.The first is ברכת כהנים and the Mishna and Braisa of אלו דברים.The second are the פסוקים of Korbanos; the...
Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5782 (2022)), Class Three.This class explores (the Nigla of) Middos 3-8, 3) מבנין אב מכתוב א’ מבנין אב מב’ כתובים4) מכלל ופרט5) ומפרט וכלל6) מכלל ופרט וכלל7) מכלל שכלל שהוא צריך לפרט ומפרט שהוא צריך לכלל8) כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא ללמד… על הכולו
04. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5782 (2022)), Class Four.For each of these מדות we gave one example, most of them are from the אבודרהם (but not al).9) כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא לטעון טעם אחד… יצא להקל ולא להחמיר a story about the Rebbe saying this in the mornings in his room, and...
05. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 -after Sukkos- (2022)), Class Five.Here we begin the ‘re-review’ of רבי ישמעאל as it is enlightened in Kabbalah (in the Sefer תולעת יעקב from ר’ מאיר בן גבאי) some time was dedicated to explain who he was and what is his role in the Kabbalah found in...
06. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Six.We continue the 13 Middos of Torah learning from the Tola’as Ya’akov.3) מבנין אב (מכתוב אחד מבנין אב משני כתובים) Av is Chochma, all ‘building’ of worlds begins with Chochma. Emerging from the Ein Sof to create worlds beginning with the Godly world of Adam...
07. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Seven.This class really belongs before the last class (or perhaps before the lats two classes).Introduction to what follows in the next few classes (and a little of what came before):Meod and Adam: two models of Godliness.Meod: plain and infinite and transcendent. Adam: godliness in form...
08. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Eight.6. כלל ופרט וכלל אי אתה דן אלא כעין הפרט– Higher than Atzilus, may be the source of Atzilus, still, it serves Atzilus (as the point of everything is to bring down) and therefore even as Atzilus emerges from The Ein Sof, the Ein Sof’s...
09. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Nine.8. כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא מן הכלל ללמד לא ללמד על עצמו יצא אלא ללמד על הכל כולו יצא– emerging from Atzilus, means going from a safe place to a place which requires careful and constant judgement (דינים) but the judgement matters to all...
10. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Ten.9. כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא לטעון טען אחד שהוא כענינו יצא להקל ולא להחמיר.Going out of Atzilus (the place of holiness) to vulnerability, and new ideas are introduced to better Yiddishkeit (כענינו) we are always lenient in such cases.10. כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא...
11. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Eleven.11. כל דבר שהי’ בכלל ויצא לידון בדבר חדש אי אתה יכול להחזירו לכללו עד שיחזירנו הכתוב לכללו בפירוש.A חידוש means new ideas, (בירורים of all types) these ‘new’ ideas become a part of Yiddishkeit and Torah only if they are uplifted by the light...
12. Rebbi Yishmael Omer Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5783 (2022)), Class Twelve.12a. דבר הלמד מענינו Paskining a Halacha based on context; in Kabbalah this means what comes from Atzilus to lower than Atzilus needs more exactitude.12b. דבר הלמד מסופו Paskining a Halacha based on what the after-affects will be; in Kabbalah this means the end of...
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