
02 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar One) 5737, Class One.(I believe) This class follows the last one (יחיינו מיומיים ביום השלישי) where everything is in threes, including, 1) ממלא סובב ואור אין סוף and 2) the three levels of אהבה: בכל לבבך נפשל מאדיך and how it ties in to the three levels of סור מרע and...

02 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar One) 5737, Class Two.This class begins witrh the assertion that if one (has sinned and he) is doing Teshuva, he has no choice but to do it on the third level (of the previous class) בכל מאדך and בקש שלום because Teshuva requires the creation of new and higher Will (עושים...