
13. Hodu (in the morning) Class Thirteen.This class begins the third part of Hodu. It is different that the first two parts, that it cannot be traced to one Perek, but is a conglomeration of Pesukim from all over Tehillim.The idea of a Perek of Pesukim (TaNaCh) written for Galus, was compiled after the TaNaCha...

14. Hodu (in the morning) Class Fourteen.Succeeding in Galus.2 Pesukim.Rachamim, TeshuvaChesed and Emes (kindness and truth). 14. Hodu (in the morning) Class Fourteen.

15. Hodu (in the morning) Class Fifteen.Z’chor Rachamecha VaChasadecha…Tenu Oz LeElokim. Giving Koach to Him so to speak. 15. Hodu (in the morning) Class Fifteen.