01. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class One.This (first) class (of three) explains the idea of החדלתי תירושי המשמח… ואנשים.Joy means reevaluation, as is evident from the nature of the birth of wine, from hidden to revealed. This is why there’s secondary characteristic of נכנס יין יצא סוד.In human terms this is the...
02. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class Two.החדלתי את ראשי המשמח אלוקים Wine brings Joy to God(liness) also.He explains this is two ways.1) Creation involves compromise (צמצום). He is יש האמיתי from whom radiates truly incredible light that is (next to Him) called אין.There’s the second אין which is the (hidden) source of...
03. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class Three.This, third, class on the Ma’amar deals with the Yom Tov itself:1) Hashem hides, so that we should look for Him; so the concealment isn’t really about concealment it is about reversing it.2) When we accomplish this we give Him much joy, as per the Possuk,...
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