03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class One INTRODUCTION.8 Tishrei what is special about this day (short thought)This Maamar advantage of Yom Kippur’s Teshuva over Rosh Hashana’s; and that is how this Ma’amar is higher trhan the one before.Intorduction: in the latter halof Tanya Section Two שער היחוד והאמונה the Alter Rebbe talks about the...
03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class Two.The first half of the Ma’amar inside.1) He applies a new form to theme of the previous Ma’amar: Shuva Yisroel Ad: Ad ViAd BiChlal and Ad ViLo Ad Bichlal. Correcting the wrong עד ועד בכלל and the power to do so from עד ולא עד בכלל.2) Level one:...
03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class Three.This third class is the second half of the Ma’amar, where we are discussing how in Shuva Yisroel you already have what will happen on Yom Kippur (which is to follow): a revelation of “Atzmus” (called here “Atik”) a place where the sin never touches in the first...
03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class Four, Supplement.Four answers to the question that isn’t (even) asked: once you have the understanding of שובה ישראל עד that we have in this Ma’amar (עד ועד בכלל עד ולא בכלל) who do we need the “הוי’ אלוקיך”.The question is inferred and answered four times over. In most...
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