03a. Ulkachtem 5716 (1st of 2 in a Hemshech), Class One.This class includes the beginning and the end about the Daled Minim bringing down a high level of Da’as Elyon. He explores Da’as E;ypon in each of the four Minim.The Human Da’as Elyon is a Bittul that is open to even higher ideas of Da’as...
03b. Ulkachtem 5716 (1st of 2 in a Hemshech), Class Two.This class is the classic discussion on יש אין יש or more specifically יש אין אין יש; exploring the philosophical differences between the איןs. [אין- nothing next to Hashem; אין- beyond understanding and form as the source of creation].Then the Ma’amar explains where in השתלשלות...
03c. Ulkachtem 5716 (1st of 2 in a Hemshech), Class Three.This class asks the question, how can Atzilus be Elokus (on the one hand) and the Ayin of Da’as Tachton on the other?The answer is that Hashem wants the Tzimtzum to ultimately reveal Da’as Elyon in the world, which can only happen with the help...
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