
03a. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734, Class One.This class has two points:1) the beginning if the issue of ראשון לחשבון עונות but that actually right after Yom Kippur there’s a new slate, but it is חשבון שלמעלה משחבון until Sukkos making it even greater than Sukkos itself in the focus on Mitzvos. 2) A discussion on the...

03b. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734, Class Two.Two kinds of love: A. limited and reasonable and commendable love, from Nefesh Elokis alone, through Hisbonenus; B. beyond reason or limit and you cannot command it only promise it (and it comes ‘by itself’ so to speak). The second love reveals lights from Tohu, which manifest as they are...