
04. Asher Yatzar (Part One). Wednesday 5 MarCheshvan 5774/ October 9 2013. (Machon Chana). 1) The blessing for nature and (specifically) for life and human life. 2) Different versions. 3) five ideas: A. Life, B. The moment of birth, C. In the service of God, D. The correlation between man and Atzilus, E. The struggles...

Asher Yatzar (Part Two). Wednesday 12 MarCheshvan 5774/ October 16 2013. (Machon Chana).The text of Asher Yatzar is read inside.

Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama These two Brachos are a pair: Guf and Neshama. A brief overview of these two Brachos and their interface.