Basukos Tashvu 5737, Class One.This class is the middle (“ביאור”) of the Ma’amar, how Malachim are lower than Nehsmos: they struggle even with the Gdliness of MalchusAnd Neshamos are higher than Malachim, relating (comfortably) to the G-dliness of “Adam” and even higher than Adam.The class ends with the discussion of the infinite Neshama bringing G-d...
Basukos Tashvu 5737, Class Two.This class encompasses the beginning (questions) and end (answers) of the Ma’amar.It reveals a wonderful Nigla-Nistar connection, that the question of a temporary dwelling (דירת עראי) being permanent (תשבו כעין תדורו) is actually the same as the question of settling a Makif found in Chassidus (בסוכות תשבו).He questions the כל האזרח...
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