05a. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735, Class One.Yidden are called מקדשי שמיך- that we add Kedusha to Hashem’s name, which has it’s own Kedusha (as it says אתה קדוש ושמך קדוש) and Yidden add to שמך the advantage of the Kedusha of אתה (or הוא). This is explained using the form of the Possuk כל...
05b. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735, Class Two.This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar. It deals with the question of Jews adding Joy to the Torah, based on the idea (of the first class) Jews adding holiness to the (already holy) name of God. The higher source of Jews allows them...
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