38. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class One.Page 38, 40.1) Ha’arah of Sovev through Tzimtzum2) Ohr Pnimi through Parsa3) Then it can even come into BiY”A. 38. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class One.
39. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Two.Page 39-40.Three types of Neshamos, representing the ideas discussed before about EIn Sof, the world and the need for a Mimutza.1) Neshamos who come into the world as they are above the Parsa (פרגוד), they have no connection to the world even down here. חנוך, אלי’ הנביא, ר’ חנינה בן...
40. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Three.Page 40.Beginning of discussion on the Possuk ועמדו רגליו ביום ההוא על הר הזיתים אשר על פני ירושלים מקדם ונבקע הר הזיתים מחציו צזרחה וימה גיא גדולה מאד ומש חצי ההר צפונה וחציו נגבה.Two basic ideas, (1) the בקיעה is a Tzimtzum, and (2) the בקיעה reveals the Etzem. 40....
41. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Four.Page 40-41.There are four levels discussed (in the upcoming classes) the LOWEST of which is חכמה סתימאה(!!), this class explores the first two:1) שמן- oil represents חכמה סתימאה2) זית (the olive) is bitter- represents what is higher than ח”ס. There two basic interpretations (one of which has three versions and...
42. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Five.Page 41-43.(cont. from last class) [the previous class explored the first two levels 1) שמן and 2) זית] this class explains the next two:3) הר הזיתים- this means the כח הצומח in the mountain, which is the source of the source for חכמה סתימאה but not the Essence. 4) עצם...
43. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Six.Page 42-43. A discussion on the association between certain places (and times) and their Mazal.Levels: (1) Metzius Sechel, (2) not Metzius Sechel, (3) Ohr [above Sechel], (4) Etzem. 43. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Six.
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