Aileh Toldos Noach 5737 (Class One).This very long Ma’amar revolves around explaining the Zohar at the beginning on Noach (59b).The Rebbe explains what seems like disorder in this Zohar,We are lerning the Ma’amar one topic at a time.?The first is, that Noach’s Avoda is so high that he cancels what came before (in Breishis, which...
Aileh Toldos Noach 5737 (Class Two)This class speaks of the לעולם ירשו ארץ the reward צדיקים get for doing the work of שמירת הברית (which adds יסוד to the creation).It is pleasure. He explains the idea of pleasure after work and a higher pleasure connected to work only indirectly.He explains using Shabbos as his Mashal,...
Aileh Toldos Noach 5737 (Class Three).This third class adds the dimension of בא אל התיבה what is gained by entering into the Ark.Since the point of Yiddishkiet is that it should come down into the minutest of details, even the great service of Noach, in שמירת הברית is not sufficient. There must still be bringing...
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