
07a. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar) Class One.This class has no reading (inside) it is all introduction. We explore the sensitivity of discussing Tzimtzumim in Atzmus, Yecholes and Ohr Hakalul BiAtzmuso. 1) Atzmus only on the level of logic can we even question how Gilui emerges from Atzmus. 2) Yecholes, is the level (we call) He...

07b. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar) Class Two.This (second class on the Ma’amar Katonti, is the first where we read text, and the) entire class asks the question: How can Gilui (revelation) exists from Etzem? (the answer will be in the next class IYH). He speak of 1) Etzem, 2) Yecholes, 3) Kolel and ALL three...

07c. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar) Class Three.The answer to the question (of the emergence of Gilui from Etztem) is presented here: העכבה, pause and hesitation affects the emergence of the Hashpa’a within the Mashpia (the concept of Gilui within the Etzem and Yecholes and Koach). [The reason this works is due to the Kavana in...

07d. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar) Class Four.Avoda of the Ma’amar; the harder the concealment the deeper the revelation afterwards.Similarly, the struggle DUE to the Ha’akava reveals the highest lights, until Helem HaAtzmi. This explains why (of all the three Avos it was) Ya’akov says “Katonti” as he struggled in Galus and received higher. 07d. Katonti...