
09a. Mizmor LiSoda 5717, Class One.Sechel and Hoda’ah.Da’as Tachton (we understand) and Da’as Elyon we only accept (Hoda’a).Elokim and Havaya.The purpose of revealing Da’as Elyon into Da’as Tachton. כי הוי’ה הוא האלוקים.This is the meaning of the Chosem associated with Shabbos, revealing אמת on Shabbos and ultimately in the entire world.

09b. Mizmor LiSoda 5717, Class Two.This (long) class includes the beginning (Perek 01) and the end (Perek 5-8).It explains two ideas:1) מזמור לתודה (which WAS said and WILL BE said on a Korban Toda) it celebrates what is above our comprehension, which is when we see big miracles above nature. But limited and logical ideas...