
07. Birchas HaShachar: Roka HaAretz Al HaMayimWednesday 21 Shvat 5774/ Jan. 22 2014. The simple idea being celebrated here is the fact that 1) We walk on dry land and 2) That Hashem caused the land to be raised above the water though naturally the entire surface of the earth should be covered in water....

08. Birchas HaShachar: Hamachin Mitzadei GuverWednesday 28 Shvat 5774/ Jan. 29 2014. The placement of this Bracha before Sheasa Li Kol Tzurki needs explaining. 1) First the point and then the protection (shoes etc), 2) This Bracha is Netzach and Hod, the next Bracha is yesod, 3) This is about Hashgacha. Two nuschaos: HaMaichin Mitzadai...

09. Birchas HaShachar: Sheusa Li Kol TzarchiWednesday 5 Adar 1 5774/ Feb. 5 2014. Why are all the needs of man represented by shoes? Would it not be better to thank Him for shoes rather than allude to shoes with “all my needs”? In this class we explore this Bracha on several levels. Needs vs....