10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) Part One: Some history and some sense of the seriousness and awesomeness of the times and the date today.“Hiskashrus” is about us.
Part Two:1) The change in the signature.2) Kuntres 10-13 Shvat 57093) Pan Klali, included with the group4) Motzoei Yom Kippur, late, guests5) Simchas Torah joy.6) מוועט ארויפגיין7) stories of saying good-bye to Chassidim and discussing OUR Rebbe with them. 8) מאמר באתי לגני ה’תש”י a repeat from תרפ”ג (in 1923). Divided into 4, 1) 10...
Part Three:1) Seeing the Bochurim during the winter of 5710. The Minhag of seeing the Chassidim before.2) 770 on that Shabbos was very confused, the Mashpiim told the students to “ask the RaMaSh”.3) Informing people about the Histalkus particularly those who would make it to the Levaya. 4) The Tahara, Rav Berel Rivkin, the Seder...
Part Four:The effort to make the Rebbe, Rebbe.The idea was altogether foreign to him, even if he knew that he was destined to actually become THE Rebbe.He did all that a Rebbe does, but as the “son in law”.The process began.1) He is alive2) I will run and hide3) I need help if I am...
Part Five:1) The Rebbe, the intellectual needs to become a (public) “people’s person”2) “The young I never refused”.3) The love the young felt to him and the optimism The Rebbe engendered.4) Simchas Torah, The need for each one to deliver a Minyan.5) The letter to all the “Rebbes” about 19 Kislev, the Belzer Rebbe.6) 24...
Part Six:The immediate aftermath.1) The Joy of the Chassidim.2) The secretariat, and its members and their roles. 3) The next day; the new stationery.4) Purim 5711, ס’איז א גרויסקייט פון אייער זייט…5) 11 Nissan. 6) “A different set of glasses”. 7) Meeting him on the street. 8) מלכות the two extremes of total Bittul and...
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