
10a. Viatta Birachamecha 5717This (long) class explores most of this Ma’amar.It explores the mystical ideas of ישיבה (sitting) and עמידה (standing).Sitting mystically means diminution (צמצום) through Hishtalshelus; while standing means not changing through Hishtalshelus. He explains this using קריאת שמע versus שמונה עשרה as a model. 10a. Viatta Birachamecha 5717

10b. Viatta Birachamecha 5717, Class Two.Beginning and the end.1) Why does it say עמידה?2) Why point out that He ‘fought for us’ רבת את ריבם etc.3) Why רחמיך הרבים4) Why להודות ולהלל לשמך הגדול and שמך סתם is not enough? 10b. Viatta Birachamecha 5717, Class Two.