
10. Birchas HaShachar: Ozer Yisroel BiGvuraWednesday 12 Adar 1 5774/ Feb. 12 2014.Eleven different insights into (the gartel and) why we make this Bracha. Question how do you reconcile Oizair, which has to do with the lowest third of the body, the NeHI and Yisroel which refers to the highest level of Yidden? Answer: the...

11. Birchas HaShachar: Oter Yisroel BiSifaraThree opinions: 1) This Bracha is not said at all, 2) It is said while still in bed, 3) It is said when out and about in the world. Various insights into the Bracha: 1) For the hat we wear as A. the Shechina rests, B. For Yiras Shamayim, 2)...