11a. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class One.This is the first (of four) class(es) on this Ma’amar.It begins with a long introduction explaining how the ladder of Tefilla is normally understood and how it is being explained here.There’s also a mention of the idea of הבדלה which is very important to this Ma’amar. This class is about...
11b. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Two.[This class is very long and complicated, I’m sorry]This second (od four) class(es) on this Ma’amar deals with learning and understanding and contemplating what we learned (about Hashem) until we have some kind of feel for the Godliness.However this is on the level of חיצוניות המוחין והמדות the ideas and...
11c. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Three.This third (of four) class(es) on this Ma’amar deals with פנימיות המוחין והמדות and ברכות קריאת שמע and שמע.Here the mind is deeper and the heart feels what the mind understands. The התבוננות is about אין קדוש כהוי’ה the way Elokus is always apart.How it affects the Animal Soul more...
11d. Aileh Shmos 5716, Class Four.This (fourth of four) class(es) on the Ma’amar includes the beginning and the end.There are two Yeridos (descents) and two Aliyos (ascents). To Machshava (from פנימיות המוחין והמדות) amd to Dibbur (from חיצוניות המוחין והמדות).It explains why the description of Yidden coming to Mitzrayim is repeated twice, and the slight...
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