11a. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class One.This class explains the difference between יש מאין and עילה ועלול in a slightly different way than typical.The question is: is the part of the צורה of the cause (עילה or אין) revealed in the affect (עלול and יש).In עו”ע it is and this is why the עלול...
11b. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class Two.This class encompasses most of the Ma’amar. It explains the idea of creation on the עילה ועלול level: how the creation develops from Briah to Yetzirah to Asiya. It then explains the idea of creation on the יש מאין level: (1) the creation of the lower worlds from...
11c. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class Three.This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar.The Midrash develops the idea that what Moshe begins cryptically is developed more completely by Dovid. The points raised are: (1) First Hashem created fire water wind; (2) from the fire emerged light; (3) the light comes before...
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