11a. HaYosheves BaGanim 5717, Class One.This class speaks to the various insights on the last two Pesukim in SHir HaShirim.1) Targum2) Gemara Shabbos[both of these were cited by the Tzemach Tzedek].3) Rebbe RaShaB (RaShI on SHir HaShirim) that it refers to Neshamos in Gan Eden.According to all three interpretations, ברח דודי גו refers to leaving...
11b. HaYosheves BaGanim 5717, Class Two.This class is on Perek 3-4 of the Ma’amar answers the question of ברח לך due to the nature of עולם הבא and the גילוי סובב כל עלמין.The Rebbe explores the mystical question of how there can be a Tziyur of Sefiros in Ohr EIn SOf (considering that it is...
11c. HaYosheves BaGanim 5717, Class Three.There are two Havayas that are separated (they represent Sovev and Mimalei) and they need to be joined through Avodah.This Avoda is about Elokeinu, which is Havaya ShebiNefesh.The Rebbe explains the four levels of Havaya in the Nefesh:Yud: Hanachas AtzmusoKei: Hasaga and recognition of the limitations of one’s success.Vuv: TorahKei:...
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