
13a. VaEira 5735, (unedited version) Class One.This Ma’amar opens and closes with a discussion on שם שד”י (two levels) and how even the higher one is less than שם הוי’ה and the connection between שם הוי’ה and Yetzias Mitzrayim.But in the middle the Rebbe explores a well-known debate between the חוקרים (philosophers) and the מקובלים...

13b. VaEira 5735, (unedited version), Class Two.This second class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar.It deals with the two levels (and meanings) of the Name שד”י. The first is mlimiting (שאמר לעולמי די) ande the second is about the boundllessness of Godliness (די באלקותי לכל ברי’ה). This second שד”י was revealed to...