14a. Birchas HaShachar: Shelo Asani Isha, Class One.Wednesday 10 Adar 2 5774/ March 12 2014.Part One. Shelo Asani Isha,Part Two. These two classes are one class, that is being divided in two. Questions and various answers. The essence of the issue is that this point of Brachos is about the details of the Mitzvos, and...
14b. Birchas HaShachar: Shelo Asani Isha, Class Two.Wednesday 10 Adar 2 5774/ March 12 2014.Part Two. These two classes are one class, that is being divided in two. Questions and various answers. The essence of the issue is that this point of Brachos is about the details of the Mitzvos, and this is man’s role,...
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