14a. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719, Class One.אבנים (natural rock) vs. לבנים (brick, man made rock).There’s מ”ה דמ”ה and ב”ן דמ”ה (all in Atzilus) and there’s מ”ה דב”ן and ב”ן דב”ן all in Briah etc.He explores the difference.Atzilus Keilim are Elokus and invulnerable; BiY”A’s Keilim are naturally Yes, and can be “Bittuled” but they are...
14b. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719, Class Two.After explaining (in the first class) the ideas of אבן and לבנה he explains in this class that (אבן is safe because it’s natural state is ביטול עצמי but) לבנה (man made brick) is vulnarable and can be used for good or for bad.For Good: making from the...
14c. Vayiru Es Elokai Yisroel 5719, Class Three.Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar revolves around two versions of understanding ויראו את אלוקי ישראל … כמעשה לבנת הספיר וכעצם השמים לטוהר.According to the Midrash and Yerushalmi they are two successive things, and according to the Targum Yonasan they are two simultaneous thigs.This means that the...
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