Basi Legani 5722, Class One.NOTE: This class is 2 hours long, but has two segments that can be listened to individually:1) Minute 00.00- Minute 34.582) Minute 34.58- EndThis class reviews the Perakim until here, And then opens the discussion of this Perek (12): להבין ענין האוצר למעלה how can we understand ‘On High’ the notion...
16b. Basi Legani 5722, Class Two.NOTE: This class is 2 hours long, but has three segments that can be listened to individually:1) Minute 00.00- Minute 49.272) Minute 49.27- Minute 71.003) Minute 71.00- EndIn this class the Rebbe explores the idea of אין סוף למטה עד אין תכלית- that Ein Sof is everywhere, and wherever it...
16c. Basi Legani 5722, Class Three.NOTE: This class is quite long, but it has several segments that can be listened to individually, and will make the listening easier:1) Minute 00.00- Minute 34.172) Minute 34.17- Minute 52.533) Minute 52.54- Minute 67.494) Minute 67. 49- EndThis third and final Shiur, ends the Ma’amar.The Rebbe adds another aspect...
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