16a. Vaeira 5734, Class One.This class covers a tiny part of the Ma’amar, celebrating the radical thought if the Rebbe that every Jew can deserve וארא Nevua like the Avos!!He develops the idea (from the Torah Ohr, that) Vaeira means (1) I DID reveal myself, and (2) I DO and WILL reveal myself, implying that...
16b. Vaeira 5734, Class Two.This class is the bulk of the Ma’amar. This class follows the first one: if one achieves the Avoda level of Merkava, he can experience וארא Nevua like the Avos.This revelation then sets up the person (in Galus) to do Teshuva, on four levels (A. סור מרע and B. עשה טוב,...
16c. Vaeira 5734, Class Three.This class is a supplement to the Ma’amar, focusing on (basically) two points.1) The idea of every Yid being a Merkava which sets up the וארא each Yid becoming a Navi.2) The Torah and Mitzvos described after the Teshuva and the Geula. We propose the possibility that this discussion actually happens...
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