
17a. Besha’a Shehikdimu 5714, Class One.The Malachim are arguing that the Torah begiven to them; but the argument makes no sense as Neshamos are higher than Malachim, so what are they thinking in their argument?That on the BODY level they are higher than Neshamos.[But this too is refuted (in the second class on this Ma’amar]....

17b. Besha’a Shehikdimu 5714, Class Two.But even in the Guf (body) level theMalachim (angels) are wrong.Because the Human being has the highest Soul and the lowest body qualifying it to correct all the creation (which Malachim cannot do). He explains this using the Mashal of Hiskalelus (ועצ”ע).He connects this to שחוק עשה לי אלוקים and...