17. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5720, Class One.This first (of three) class(es) deals with עילא ועלול vs. יש מאין; how in the former there may be distance between the cause and the affect, but there’s lots of closeness too. This is explained at length. It includes the idea that the עילא is caught up and (also)...
17b. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5720, Class Two.This second class, deals with the idea of אור שהאיר ביום הראשון; the Light that pervaded the world on the first day that was removed. In spite of it’s גניזה and (even more) הבדלה לעצמו is still here.1) It is the (hidden) source of creation ex-nihilo (יש מאין).2) It...
17c. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5720, Class Three.This third (of three) class(es) on this Ma’amar includes the beginning and the end.The first day of Nissan is called the eight day and is connected to the idea of ten as well.The joining what is above the world and the world. 17c. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5720, Class Three.
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