
19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga)This class was given in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Chovevei Torah in 5768 (2008).

19a. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga) (second version Part One)This class explains how the moment of Mattan Torah (1) gives strength for Godliness to (breach the divide, and) come into worldliness; and (2) that that point provides the strength (for the second idea of Mattan Torah:) the ability we have to raise the world up and...

19b. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga) (second version Part Two).This class speaks of Rosh Chodesh Sivan (as the last class spoke of Mattan Torah) having these two basic stages: A. where all that will be is in a single point (RC Sivan) B. how it will play out on all of history as Yidden study Torah...